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BAY Torah on Bema

Welcome to Beit
Ad-nai Yisrael

BAY, A Messianic Jewish Synagogue

Beit Ad-nai Yisrael (BAY) is a Messianic Jewish congregation and community located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Our focus is on serving the G-d of Israel and supporting a cultural and religious Jewish walk.  We look to the G-d of Israel and His Torah for direction in our daily lives. We read the Torah as given to Moses and interpreted by Yeshua (Jesus). 

Through liturgical service, worship and Torah/Scripture study, BAY expresses faith in the G-d of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob and recognizes that salvation is found by faith in Yeshua HaMashiach. We emulate Messiah by walking the way Yeshua walked; through obedience to G-d's commandments.


Jewish Man in Synagogue

Our BAY Community

Beit Ad-nai Yisrael (BAY) 

At BAY we encourage and support our congregants to lead cultural Jewish lives; celebrating life, maturity, love and death all within the structure and guide-lines of Judaism. We encourage you to visit us and learn more about our congregation-community.

Schedule of Services

Please Worship With Us!

Bar Mitzvah Boy
Synagogue 2
Grainy Texture

Shabbat Services

Saturdays Starting at 10:30 am

Please join us at our Synagogue:

6350 Chippewa Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80915

Grainy Texture

Oneg Meal

A Light Meal Saturday Afternoon Following Shabbat Services. Please join us for fellowship and partaking in a meal that Hashem has blessed us with. We look forward to meeting you!


“O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the L-RD our Maker.”

Psalms 95:6

Of Blessed Memory

Elder Larry Courkamp

Shabbat/Candle Lighting Times

Contact Us

YouTube Channel: BAY M Jewish Community

6350 Chippewa Rd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80915


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